Learning Python Part 6: Python Comments

When it comes to writing a python program, based on the requirements, programs can simple programs of limited number of  lines or it can be really large program which might even span multiple python modules.

Now the point here is that, even if we know how to write the program and even we follow correct concepts and syntaxes while writing program, we cannot keep it in our mind forever. We cannot remember each and everything about the program like variables, classes, concepts, functions and so on after some period of time.

If the program written by us at some point in time back, once we open it after a period of time, it should not be a situation that we are blank, or guessing why particular code, function and so on. Even it may happen that you are working in a team and program code writing tasks might be shared. So when you put all pieces together written by multiple programmers in your team, you should be able to understand the code.

This is where we bring in the concepts of comments in a python programs. They help us to understand how the code is written. There are couple of ways of writing comments python code.

  • Single line comment using # (Hash) symbol:

In Python programs, we use the hash (#) symbol to start writing a comment on single line. Python Interpreter ignores comment.

In above example, if you notice, commented text after # symbol is not processed and not displayed as output.

  • Multi-line comment using “””  or ”’ (Triple qoutes):

If we have comments that extend multiple lines, we can use hash (#) in the beginning of each line, however we have another quick and better option to get this done. Instead of typing # in the beginning of each line, below is the example of how to write multiline comment.

In above example, only the print statement text is displayed.

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