Learning Python – Part-5: Python Interfaces

When it comes to working with python, we can always use interactive mode by launching python or Python3 command as shown in below screenshot. Image: 1Once launched we can run all sorts of python operations, however, this approach is not used for development work. When it comes to writing programs, we generally prefer editors. In fact we can use basic editors like … Continue reading Learning Python – Part-5: Python Interfaces

Learning Python: part-4 Python Keywords

Python has a set of keywords that are reserved words that cannot be used as variable names, function names, or any other identifiersThey are used to define the syntax and structure of the Python language.In Python, keywords are case sensitive.There are 33 keywords in Python 3.7. All the keywords (except True, False and None) are in … Continue reading Learning Python: part-4 Python Keywords

Learning Python: part-3 – Python Objects

Since beginning, we are referring to Object oriented language paradigm and its close relation to Python. So let's go ahead and understand, what is an Object in python language or any other OOP based programming language. According to official Python documentation: Objects are Python's abstraction for data. All data in a Python program is represented by … Continue reading Learning Python: part-3 – Python Objects

Learning Python: part-2. Intro to Python Language

Python is high-level, general-purpose programming language. It was developed by Mr. Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991. Python supports multiple programming paradigms, including procedural, object-oriented, and functional programming.Python was conceived in the late 1980s as a successor to the ABC language. Python 2.0 got released in 2000. This release introduced features like list comprehensions and … Continue reading Learning Python: part-2. Intro to Python Language

Learning Python Programming: part-1. Intro to programming and programming paradigms

Welcome everyone to this series on learning python programming.This post will be the first in this series and we will see basic introduction to the world of programming before we dive deep into it. This is just to have basics sound and clear. If you are already well versed with it, feel free to skip … Continue reading Learning Python Programming: part-1. Intro to programming and programming paradigms

Enable monitor mode for wifi adapter with new MAC (random/custom) python code for Kali Linux/Parrot like distros

https://gist.github.com/eddydesh/bb50f7de314bd559b45a5f04ac10db03 import subprocess import time import sys iface = input("Enter the name of interface to play with:- ")print("Now lets give you some new identity so you can hide who you are")nmac = input("Enter the new MAC address to be used Or Press 0 to auto generate random MAC:- ") def macchange(): if nmac == 0: … Continue reading Enable monitor mode for wifi adapter with new MAC (random/custom) python code for Kali Linux/Parrot like distros